
Mineral Sources of Drugs

Mineral Sources of Drugs

Many of the medications that we rely on to treat a wide range of conditions and illnesses come from a surprising source: minerals. In this blog post, we will explore the world of mineral sources of drugs and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of using these natural remedies.

From common painkillers to advanced cancer treatments, mineral-based drugs play a crucial role in modern medicine. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or simply curious about the origins of medications, this article has something for you. Stay tuned for an in-depth look at the use of minerals in the production of drugs.



Many drugs are derived from minerals. These drugs often contain heavy metal elements that may be harmful to humans. These elements include arsenic, lead, mercury, copper, iron, magnesium, aluminium, and calcium. These elements also contain trace elements that are necessary for the body. Here are the main mineral drug ingredients, and how they may affect human health.


Copper is a mineral that plays an important role in the body’s antioxidant defence system. (1) It is a component of the enzyme copper-dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD is a key enzyme in the body’s defence system, as it removes free radicals, which can damage cellular membranes. Copper is essential for SOD activity.

Copper complexes have been studied for their ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Interestingly, copper complexes were able to prevent or retard the development of cancer in mice. These studies demonstrate the potential of copper to be used in drugs against cancer. Further, copper is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.

Copper is also present throughout the body, and plays an important role in making red blood cells and nerve cells. It also helps to make collagen, which is important for building bones and connective tissue. It is also an antioxidant and helps to reduce free radicals in the body, which can damage cells and DNA. In addition, copper helps the body absorb iron and produce energy.


Iron as a mineral source of drugs is often incorporated into drug formulations. Iron is typically administered as a polynuclear iron(III)-hydroxide with a carbohydrate ligand to stabilise the iron molecule and prevent poly nuclearization. Common examples of iron carbohydrate compounds include ferric carboxymaltose and iron sucrose. These compounds are considered prodrugs.

Iron pharmacokinetics studies show that the serum concentration of iron after oral administration is strongly dependent on the rate of absorption and elimination. This is because rapid absorption increases the AUC (area under the curve), and rapid elimination increases the maximum serum iron concentration. In addition, the rate at which iron is excreted from the body depends largely on the zero-order elimination rate. (2)

Humans require a substantial amount of iron for their daily lives. This mineral is found in red blood cells and plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen to every cell in the body. It is also involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body’s energy source. The body stores extra iron in the liver, bone marrow, spleen, and muscles.

Magnesium oxide

Magnesium oxide is a mineral supplement that contains magnesium and oxygen ions. It is used to treat a variety of ailments. It is available without a prescription but should not be used repeatedly. Although magnesium is essential for good health, it should not be taken excessively or in excess.

Magnesium oxide is safe for most people when taken in the proper doses. However, it should be noted that taking large amounts for prolonged periods of time can cause dangerously high levels of magnesium in the blood. This condition, known as hypermagnesemia, can cause serious problems and can even be fatal. People with kidney disease and bowel disorders are particularly at risk. Taking more than 1,000 milligrams of magnesium oxide daily can cause hypermagnesemia. There have been four reported cases of hypermagnesemia this year, all of which involved patients over 65 and with kidney disease. (3)

When taking magnesium oxide as a mineral supplement, it is important to follow directions carefully. (3) The recommended dose varies from 250 mg to 1,000 mg daily. However, magnesium oxide has a much lower bioavailability than other forms of magnesium. This mineral is commonly used for treating migraine, constipation, and high blood pressure, and may also be effective in reducing anxiety in some populations. If taken incorrectly, however, magnesium oxide can increase blood magnesium levels and interfere with other medications.


Calcium is a very important mineral that is needed by the body to carry out many basic functions. It is crucial in the formation of strong bones and teeth, and it helps regulate normal heart rhythms and nerve function. It also aids in blood clotting. 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones, and the remaining 1% is found in muscles and other body tissues.

However, the amount of calcium your body absorbs from foods can vary widely. Many foods contain high levels of calcium, including dairy products, so be sure to check nutrition labels for the amount of calcium you are getting. You may be surprised to know that the amount listed on the Nutrition Facts label is not necessarily the amount your body will actually absorb. The amount of calcium you get from food is referred to as its calcium bioavailability. Some foods are more bioavailable than others, so read labels carefully to find out what is the best source of calcium in your food. (4)

Calcium silicate

Calcium silicate has been studied as a potential replacement for asbestos. It is highly heat and fire resistant. However, it also exhibits high cytotoxicity. One study found that calcium silicate at concentrations of 10 and 100 ug/ml increased chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges, and decreased the proliferation rate index. It also induces a S-phase-dependent clastogenic response.

Calcium silicate is commonly found in the natural world. It occurs in the mineral larnite and has many uses in industry. It is used as an antacid and as an anti-caking agent. It has also been approved as a safe food additive by the FAO and WHO bodies. (5)

Magnesium cation

Magnesium cation is a key mineral that is required for bone growth and healthy nerve and muscle function. It also helps neutralise stomach acid and move stools through the intestines. It also plays an important role in many biochemical reactions. A lack of magnesium can lead to many biochemical and health issues.

Magnesium is found in the Earth’s crust in various forms, including carbonate, dolomite, hydroxide, chloride, and sulphate. It is distributed throughout the body in varying amounts, with about one-tenth of the mineral found in bone. In addition, magnesium is present in seawater in trace amounts and gives the water its characteristic bitter taste.

Magnesium is necessary for nearly all forms of life on Earth. It is at the heart of the chlorophyll molecule, which helps convert carbon dioxide into glucose, cellulose, starch, and various other molecules that pass through the food chain. It is absorbed by humans at a rate of 300 mg per day, and a magnesium deficiency rarely occurs. (6)


Arsenic is a mineral that has long been of interest in biomedicine. It is used in the treatment of cancer and other conditions. It has idiopathic and chemotherapeutic properties. In particular, it has shown promise in the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia, with high remission rates.

Although arsenic is a naturally occurring mineral, its toxicity has been questioned. Arsenic is biotransformed by the liver into methylated arsenic, which is excreted in the urine. This metabolite has a half-life of three to five days. It is also excreted from the skin and sweat. High exposure to arsenic can cause muscle weakness and cramps, which can increase the risk of developing cancer.

Arsenic trioxide, for example, is used in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL). However, it is not used as a first-line treatment. This is because arsenic is known to be a cardiac toxin. It has also been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in both children and adults. Researchers believe that arsenic cardiotoxicity is triggered by an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. This in turn induces apoptosis. (7)


The use of lead compounds as a mineral source of drugs is not new. (8) In fact, the earliest known use of lead compounds dates back to 6400 BCE. Humans have long mined lead compounds that have been used in many different civilizations, from ancient India to Roman times. Nowadays, lead is mined in massive quantities, and millions of pounds are produced in the United States every year. Lead compounds are mostly inhaled by humans, and exposure to lead compounds increases the levels of lead in blood.

Historically, lead was also used in gasoline. It is also present in many homes with lead-based paint. Additionally, drinking water from homes with old or broken lead pipes is also likely to be contaminated. Also, lead-based toys and hobby objects may contain lead, as may food stored in lead-glazed bowls. People who recycle automobile batteries may also be exposed to lead.


Mercury is a metal that is present in nature in different forms. The most common forms are metallic mercury, mercuric chloride, and methylmercury. Each form has different levels of toxicity and effects on the human body. Mercury is found naturally in the earth’s crust and is released by volcanic activity and the weathering of rocks. However, the majority of mercury is released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities such as mining and coal-fired power plants.

In the nineteenth century, mercury was used as a drug to treat various ailments including syphilis, testicular disorders, and hepatic diseases. It was also used for eczema, hydrophobia, and inflammation. (9)

Potassium cation

Potassium is important for maintaining the normal pH of the human body. It is also necessary for regulating hypokalemia, a condition that affects the levels of potassium in the body. Both primary and secondary conditions may require the administration of potassium-containing drugs to correct the hypokalemia.

Potassium is an essential mineral that contributes to the functioning of cells and nerves in the body. It is found naturally in many foods but is also available in a dietary supplement. It maintains normal fluid levels inside and outside cells and supports normal blood pressure. It is recommended for pregnant women of childbearing age to consume a minimum of 2,300 mg of potassium daily.

Potassium is important in cellular biochemical reactions and participates in protein synthesis from amino acids. It is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism, converting glucose into glycogen that can be stored in the liver for future energy. It is also important for normal growth and muscle contraction. In addition to these roles, potassium is essential for the heartbeat and the nervous system. (10)

About Us

CannaTelehealth, specialises in providing online consultations for various healthcare needs, including assistance with alcohol addiction. Our platform is designed to facilitate the use of advanced telehealth technology by medical professionals, ensuring the security and privacy of patient information in compliance with regulations.

We have developed an online system that simplifies the process of booking appointments with qualified and experienced General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, who can assist patients in accessing prescriptions for Medicinal Cannabis for their medical conditions. Our telehealth system is fully supported by our clinical team, guaranteeing that all consultations are conducted by appropriately qualified healthcare professionals.

Our doctors are authorised to prescribe Medicinal Cannabis under Schedule 8 of the Therapeutic Goods Act. In the initial consultation, your nurse or doctor will collaborate with you to determine the suitability of Medicinal Cannabis for your specific symptoms and conditions. If deemed appropriate, they will then apply for TGA approval for your electronic prescription, which can be presented at your pharmacy of choice.

Medical Cannabis Doctors Online Treatment and Consults

CannaTelehealth’s doctors have extensive experience in assessing patients for medicinal cannabis. Prior to having an online consultation with our healthcare professionals it is a good idea to write down your questions before your consultation so that you don’t forget them.

Our doctors will review your medical history and confirm that you meet the criteria for a medicinal cannabis prescription under the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Special Access Scheme. We will then either prescribe medication through the Authorised Prescriber pathway or submit your application to the TGA and you should receive your product within 2 business days.

All our doctors are trained under the TGA authorised prescriber scheme and have detailed knowledge of how cannabis affects the body. Our doctors are also able to recommend the best dosage and type of cannabis for your condition. Our doctors are able to prescribe all forms of medicinal cannabis including capsules, tinctures, sprays and vape cartridges.

The cost of your medical cannabis will vary depending on your condition and the specific product that is recommended for you.

Our clinic offers bulk billing for patients who have been approved by the DVA. This is worth checking for your eligibility criteria for this discounted online consultation.

Book a consultation – Follow the simple steps to engaging with an online health professional who will assess your eligibility for alternative treatments such as medicinal cannabis and what might be the cause of your chronic pain.

To contact us at CannaTelehealth you can either go directly to the website and add your details directly to our ‘Contact Us Form’ We will contact you within 1 hour. Normally our online healthcare professionals who are pain medicine specialists will have a booking time within 1 day if suitable. Alternatively you may contact us via info@cannatelehealth.com.au.



1. Copper chaperone antioxidant 1: multiple roles and a potential therapeutic target Dian Yang 1, Pengyu Xiao 1, Botao Qiu 1, Hai-Fan Yu 2, Chun-Bo Teng 3 J Mol Med (Berl) . 2023 May;101(5):527-542. doi: 10.1007/s00109-023-02311-w. Epub 2023 Apr 5.

2. Main nutritional deficiencies Aysha Karim Kiani 1, Kristjana Dhuli 2, Kevin Donato 1, Barbara Aquilanti 3, Valeria Velluti 3, Giuseppina Matera 3, Amerigo Iaconelli 3, Stephen Thaddeus Connelly 4, Francesco Bellinato 5, Paolo Gisondi 5, Matteo Bertelli 1 2 6 J Prev Med Hyg. 2022 Oct 17;63(2 Suppl 3):E93-E101. doi: 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2022.63.2S3.2752. eCollection 2022 Jun.

3. Relationship between renal function and serum magnesium concentration in elderly outpatients treated with magnesium oxide Ken Horibata 1, Akiko Tanoue 2, Masaaki Ito 3, Yousuke Takemura 4Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2016 May;16(5):600-5. doi: 10.1111/ggi.12530. Epub 2015 Jun 16.

4. Calcium: too much of a good thing? Denise Millstine 1, Larry Bergstrom, Anita P MayerJ Womens Health (Larchmt). 2013 Nov;22(11):997-9. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2013.4596.

5. A New Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Dressing: Physical and Chemical Properties, Cytotoxicity and Dentinal Tubule PenetrationNatália Villa 1, Vanessa Valgas Dos Santos 2, Ubirajara Maciel da Costa 3, Aline Teixeira Mendes 1, Pedro Henrique Marks Duarte 1, Ricardo Abreu da Rosa 1, Jefferson Ricardo Pereira 4, Marcus Vinícius Reis Só 1Braz Dent J. 2020 Nov-Dec;31(6):598-604. doi: 10.1590/0103-6440202003376.

6. Implant-derived magnesium induces local neuronal production of CGRP to improve bone-fracture healing in rats Yifeng Zhang 1, Jiankun Xu 1, Ye Chun Ruan 2, Mei Kuen Yu 2, Micheal O’Laughlin 1, Helen Wise 3, Di Chen 4, Li Tian 1, Dufang Shi 1, Jiali Wang 1, Sihui Chen 1, Jian Q Feng 5, Dick Ho Kiu Chow 1, Xinhui Xie 1, Lizhen Zheng 1, Le Huang 1, Shuo Huang 1, Kwoksui Leung 1, Na Lu 6, Lan Zhao 4, Huafang Li 1, Dewei Zhao 7, Xia Guo 8, Kaiming Chan 1, Frank Witte 9 10, Hsiao Chang Chan 2, Yufeng Zheng 11, Ling Qin 1 12Nat Med. 2016 Oct;22(10):1160-1169. doi: 10.1038/nm.4162. Epub 2016 Aug 29.

7. Arsenic cardiotoxicity: An overview Nafiseh Sadat Alamolhodaei 1, Kobra Shirani 2, Gholamreza Karimi 3 Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 2015 Nov;40(3):1005-14. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2015.08.030. Epub 2015 Sep 3.

8. Lead poisoning associated with the use of Ayurvedic metal-mineral tonics D Prpić-Majić 1, A Pizent, J Jurasović, J Pongracić, N Restek-Samarzija J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1996;34(4):417-23. doi: 10.3109/15563659609013812.

9. Effect of inorganic mercury exposure on reproductive system of male mice: Immunosuppression and fibrosis in testis Siyu Li 1 2, Bing Han 1, Pengfei Wu 1, Qingyue Yang 1, Xiaoqiao Wang 1, Jiayi Li 1, Yuge Liao 1, Ning Deng 1, Huijie Jiang 1, Zhigang Zhang 1 2Environ . 2022 Jan;37(1):69-78. doi: 10.1002/tox.23378. Epub 2021 Sep 27.

10. Potassium and phosphorus transport and signaling in plants Yi Wang 1, Yi-Fang Chen 1, Wei-Hua Wu 1 J Integr Plant Biol. 2021 Jan;63(1):34-52. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13053.


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