
What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that lasts a lifetime. It impacts how people interact and behave with the world.

The brain of people with ASD does not develop in the same manner as it does for the rest of the population. ASD is different in girls and boys.

ASD is neither a problem of mental health nor an intellectual disability. Some people with ASD may also suffer from these problems.

Children and adults with ASD can be extremely intelligent, have a normal intelligence level, or suffer from an intellectual disability. Autistic people will have strengths and challenges.

Doctors used to think that Asperger Syndrome, autism and other conditions were distinct. Now, they believe that all of these conditions are part of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). All people with ASD have different experiences.

Around 1 in 150 Australians suffers from ASD.

ASD is usually evident in the early years of life. They may not become apparent until 2 or 3 years olds. ASD can be diagnosed later in life.

The majority of people with ASD are able to learn the skills necessary to function in an independent or supportive environment. Early diagnosis and treatment important, according to research.

A late diagnosis can have serious consequences. Growing up without support with ASD can affect a person’s social, educational, and mental health. These individuals may be at higher risk for bullying, abuse and violence.

The sooner your child is diagnosed with ASD, the sooner they can receive support. The more likely they are to develop:

  • communication skills
  • social skills
  • life skills

These skills are essential for a high quality of life. (1)

What Services Are Available?

Autism Consultation Services are services for families requiring specialist advice and support to address challenging behaviours such as aggression, self-harm, property destruction.

These services are provided by highly trained and experienced Autism Specialists from across the country. These coaches work with teams to conduct functional behaviour assessments (FBAs) and develop behaviour intervention plans (BIPs) through virtual coaching sessions. The virtual format allows the coach and team to work together in real-time to practise, apply, and analyse data to improve the effectiveness of their programs.

This service is recommended for teams requiring intensive support and who are considering alternative placement or have been unsuccessful in implementing their current program due to difficult behaviours.

What Autism Consultation Services are available in Australia?

Across Australia there are a number of state government funded autism assessment and diagnosis services. These are usually free of charge but can have long waiting lists. If you would like to make a referral, it is best to speak with your GP as they will be familiar with what services are available in your area.

Once a diagnosis is made, your child can access a variety of allied health treatment services, including psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, audiologists and optometrists. These services can be accessed through a referral from a medical practitioner, and can be claimed immediately via HICAPS.

Many disability service providers also offer a range of social groups, treatments and support in the community for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment. These activities can include workshops on particular topics, general socialising, going to the movies or even taking part in local events.

At CannaTelehealth we provide online services for those struggling with adult or teenager autism symptoms. Contact Us www.cannatelehealth.com.au.

Can a Person With Autism Live a Normal Life?

People with autism can live a normal life, but it isn’t the same for everyone. Whether or not a person with ASD achieves independence depends on their unique situation, how they are treated and the severity of their symptoms. Using scientifically-validated treatments like Applied Behavior Analysis, Therapeutic Pathways helps autistic children and adults develop the skills needed to be as independent as possible.

Many children with ASD start showing symptoms within their first 12 months of life, but the signs vary in different individuals. If a child’s parents or teachers notice that their child has trouble communicating, they should seek an evaluation from a developmental paediatrician, a psychiatrist who specialises in autism, a neurologist or a child or adolescent psychologist.

A child with ASD will need to receive a diagnosis before they can begin receiving federal education benefits under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). (2) Health care providers will evaluate a child’s social, communication and behavioural challenges by interviewing them and observing their interactions with others. They will also test for other mental and physical conditions, such as seizures, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders or movement issues.

Despite the negative stereotypes of autistic people, some people with ASD exhibit positive characteristics as well, including honesty, logical thinking and passion for their interests. They may also be more comfortable with routines and repetitive behaviours. However, autistic people often feel stressed or anxious and may mask their stress by behaving in neurotypical ways. This can cause them to experience comorbid mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression.

Some studies have shown that cannabis products reduce the intensity and/or number of symptoms. These include hyperactivity, self-mutilation attacks, anger, sleep issues, anxiety, restlessness and psychomotor agitation. They also found improvements in cognitive abilities, sensory sensitivity and attention, as well as social interaction and language. Sleep disorders, restlessness and nervousness were the most common side effects. (2)

Should you have any questions: Contact Us at CannaTelehealth to speak with our online healthcare professionals that can suggest a treatment plan and perhaps medication for the symptoms of Autism.

Most Respected Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment

There is no one therapy that will treat autism. However, current treatments aim to reduce symptoms that affect daily living and quality of life expectancy of autism. Because autism affects everyone differently, these therapies are usually multidisciplinary and catered toward the individual. They may be offered in education, health care, or community settings, or a combination of these.

People with autism often have other conditions that also need treatment – known as co-morbidities. These may include anxiety, mood disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and self-injurious behaviours. These may need to be managed alongside the core features of autism in order for a person to have their most possible level of independence and to develop meaningful relationships with others. Some online cannabis clinics like CannaTelehealth can assist provide medications online and an Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment.

Speech and language therapists can help people with ASD improve their verbal communication skills and the social behaviours that flow from them. Other services include sensory integration therapy to manage responses to sensory input that can be restrictive or overwhelming and occupational therapy to assist with everyday tasks such as self-care, school, and work.

Psychologists are health professionals who study the human mind – our mental health, emotions, intelligence and motivations. They may be involved in assessing autism and work directly with people using psychotherapy, sometimes called cognitive therapy or ‘talk’ therapy.

Some people with autism may be prescribed medications to manage psychiatric issues including anxiety and depression. It is important that these medications are only used under the care of a medical doctor and that regular monitoring is undertaken to make sure that any negative effects do not outweigh the benefits.

There are many types of autism, and diagnosed at various stages of a person’s life.

Contact us

Disclaimer: CannaTelehealth is not promoting the use of medicinal cannabis. Medicinal cannabis does affect every person differently, due to factors such as size, weight, health, dosage, tolerance and age. Medicinal cannabis might not work for you, and you might experience side-effects. Information provided by CannaTelehealth is for educational and informational purposes only. For medical advice, please refer to your doctor. Medicinal cannabis in Australia is regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and details about cannabis as a scheduled drug can be found on their website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does autism treatment cost in Australia?

Autism is a complex developmental condition, often leading to children being socially awkward and struggling with change. While its exact cause remains unknown, possible explanations could include genetics, brain chemistry or abnormal development in the infant brain. Autism typically presents itself during early years but can later appear much later.

Autism often presents with other comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, sensory and motor delays, cognitive difficulties and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), making it hard to assess how someone is doing in school or work environments; additionally it has profound ramifications on family life and interpersonal relationships.

How Much Does Autism Treatment Cost? Parents and carers report significant time away from work associated with diagnosis and attending therapy services as well as associated travel costs that burden families financially.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds applied behaviour analysis therapy sessions that help people with autism improve their communication and gain new skills, as well as assistive technology, equipment, and home modifications.

Adult Autism Evaluation

The costs associated with adult autism assessment can range widely; however, some allied health professionals offer standardised assessments which have been proven reliable and valid, which may range anywhere from several hundred dollars up to thousands of dollars depending on your needs.

What Types Of Autism Are There?

Individuals living with autism can be classified into three broad groups based on their level of function – high-functioning, middle-range or low-functioning. While these classifications don’t always accurately represent what assistance people require; their needs can change over time according to how they develop and the challenges they encounter.

What Type Of Support Is There For Autism In Australia?

Australia provides significant support for individuals with autism through various programs and services. Families seeking assistance can benefit from the expertise of autism consultants who offer guidance and support.

These professionals specialise in understanding autism and can provide valuable resources, strategies, and advice to families and individuals. Autism support organisations and community groups also play a crucial role in connecting families and providing ongoing assistance.

Recognizing the importance of early intervention, Australia emphasises the identification of newborn autism signs to ensure early diagnosis and intervention.

Additionally, the country offers support for individuals with low functioning autism, tailoring services to meet their specific needs.

As the prevalence of autism increases globally, including in Australia, research continues to explore the reasons behind this rise.

While there is no evidence suggesting that people with autism are inherently smarter than those without, individuals with autism often exhibit unique strengths and talents.

Online consultancy services are also available, allowing individuals and families to access support and resources remotely, providing convenience and accessibility.


About Us

CannaTelehealth is proud to offer exceptional online healthcare. Our team is dedicated to providing convenient and reliable healthcare for patients.

Our “Contact Us” section is available if you need help or have questions. Our customer service team is ready to answer your questions and help you with the process.
Our website clearly outlines our eligibility criteria to ensure that all who are eligible can access our services. It helps people determine if they are eligible for our online consultation service.

Online consultations include virtual appointments with healthcare professionals qualified to provide advice, treatment options and medications when needed. Our aim is to provide personalised support and care to our patients from the comfort of their homes.

CannaTelehealth is a reliable online healthcare service that puts your wellbeing first. We are always here to provide you with the best care.

Medical Cannabis Doctors Online Treatment and Consults

When looking for a medical cannabis doctor, there are a few key points to consider. First, you should consider their qualifications and experience. It is important to find a doctor who has completed the required training to legally prescribe medicinal cannabis in Australia. Additionally, they should have a strong understanding of the clinical justification for using cannabis as a medical treatment. In addition, they should be able to effectively communicate the benefits and risks of the medication to their patients.

In addition to a thorough medical history and relevant tests, the doctor should also have a solid understanding of the underlying conditions that can be treated with medicinal cannabis. This is especially true for patients with psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety and depression.

The doctor should also be able to help patients navigate the autism different types and formulations of medicinal cannabis products available. This can be particularly challenging for people with chronic pain, as the varying potencies and dosages of different cannabis medications may have different effects on each patient.

Another consideration is the cost and accessibility of medical marijuana consultations. Unlike many traditional health care providers, cannabis doctors can offer affordable telehealth services for their patients. In addition, telehealth can make it easier for people in remote locations and those with mobility issues to access medical marijuana.


  1. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/autism
  2. Cannabis and cannabinoid use in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
    Estácio Amaro da Silva, Junior, 1 Wandersonia Moreira Brito Medeiros, 1 Nelson Torro, 1 João Marçal Medeiros de Sousa, 2 Igor Bronzeado Cahino Moura de Almeida, 2 Filipe Barbosa da Costa, 2 Katiúscia Moreira Pontes, 2 Eliane Lima Guerra Nunes, 3 Marine Diniz da Rosa, 4 and Katy Lísias Gondim Dias de Albuquerque 5 Trends Psychiatry Psychother. 2022; 44: e20200149. May 8 2021

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