
Medical Cannabis For Insomnia

Is Medical Cannabis for Insomnia helpful?:

Research suggests CBD, the second-most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis, was shown to have two effects on sleep latency. CBD has a stimulating effect at lower doses. However, higher doses can have a more sedating effect. It can increase the total amount of sleep and reduce the number of awakenings during the night. Cannabis may improve sleep duration in the short term, as evidence shows a reduction in sleep onset delay. (2)

Another study concluded that it had limitations. It was impossible to establish causation because this was a retrospective review of charts. A total of 159 patients initially identified as being in need of cannabis to treat insomnia were included in the sample, but due to the lack of data on follow-up, the number was reduced to 38. This reduces the usefulness of the findings. The analysis included many patients who were either motivated to use cannabis for insomnia or had already used it successfully as a medical or recreational drug. This may have led to bias because the patients in the study were more motivated and willing to see if medical cannabis was effective. (1)

There are many different strains available on the market which Healthcare professionals believe assist in the treatment of insomnia. Insomnia sufferers may also benefit from CBD oil’s energising and sedative effects. (3)

The effects of Cannabis are dependent on the type of cannabinoid and the dosage, so further research is needed. The physiological system of the human body contains cannabinoids called endocannabinoids, which interact with phytocannabinoids in the body.

Insomnia Treatment Australia

What is the perfect strain for insomnia?

The smell and taste of some products can help you drift off to sleep but this is entirely an individual assessment. The sativa dominant strain gets to work quickly and produces a sleepy feeling. Users will feel a pleasant, warm feeling, and the lingering effects will last for hours. People suffering from chronic pain and anxiety will also benefit from this strain. Those who are in pain can take advantage of this sativa-dominant hybrid for its relaxing effect.

This potent hybrid has a high THC content and an euphoric high. But Stuyt (4) suggests it is often favoured by stoners for its sedative effects. It is one of the best strains for insomnia as it is extremely relaxing and induces a dreamlike state. The strain is best consumed by smoking or vaporising. Those who suffer from chronic pain may benefit from products with this strain concentration to relieve their symptoms.

Stuyt further writes that recent misguided marijuana supporters have suggested that marijuana can be a solution to the opioid crisis. No clinical evidence supports this claim. In fact, marijuana has been found to be a more “companion drug” than an “alternative drug” for many patients seeking addiction treatment. In a study of 5,315 UK adolescents aged 13-18 who had three or more measures for cannabis use, the researchers found that there was a dose-response relation between cannabis use patterns in adolescence, nicotine dependence, harmful drinking, and illicit drug use at age 21. (4)

There are some strains with a high THC content which means it produces a powerful and relaxing sedative high. A high THC content makes it ideal for nighttime use. Although this type of strain is not recommended for those with low THC tolerance, it could provide medicinal marijuana patients seeking relief from depression.

In a study by Nirushi et al. they shows that medicinal cannabis users report a significant improvement in their insomnia when using cannabinoids. It also suggests that CBD is more effective in treating insomnia in this population than sativa or dominant indica strains. This study highlights the need for randomized, placebo-controlled studies to assess the efficacy of cannabinoids in the treatment of insomnia.

Do Indica strains have a sedative effect?

If you are suffering from insomnia, indica strains may be a natural solution. (5) These potent strains can ease your body and mind and help you fall asleep. Indica strains that contain a high THC content and are perfect for treating insomnia and chronic pain.

Indica strains have different terpene profiles. Myrcene is the most common terpene found in the indica strains. Myrcene has sedative and motor relaxant effects. It is also thought to increase the potency of THC by crossing the blood-brain barrier. Terpenes like linalool and terpinolene produce relaxing effects in humans. (6)

The main difference between sativa and indica strains is the amount of THC and CBD in each one. Unlike sativa, indicas are known for calming and relaxing effects. This is why indicas are generally recommended for pain relief. While sativa strains help cure insomnia, indicas can also be helpful for people with low appetite or nausea. It is also a great way to ease anxiety and get to sleep at night.

Cannabis can improve sleep quality and relieve anxiety and pain, and it is recommended to speak with your doctor before attempting to cure insomnia naturally. Indica strains with the ideal balance of CBD and THC are considered the best options for insomnia treatment. It can help you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep for a long time. They are considered the most effective marijuana strains for sleep because they help people feel more relaxed and sedated.

Sativa strains have energising effects

Sativa marijuana plants typically have higher levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana. These plants have prominent terpenes, including limonene and beta-caryophyllene. They can provide a calming effect on the user, as well as uplifting effects. Some people find that Sativa marijuana helps them get a good night’s sleep.

The energising effects of cannabis can counter the fatigue effects of depression and anxiety. Cannabis is known for its uplifting effects, and sativa strains provide a happy, positive high. While THC and CBD account for the main effect, terpenes like limonene provide an extra effect. If you’re experiencing anxiety, limonene-rich strains may help you fight this disorder.

Sativas also improve focus and reduce anxiety. They’re also useful for reducing pain and stress and aiding in creative endeavours. Some researchers believe hybrids contain a combination of both sativa and indica qualities. Currently, cannabis research is limited, but it’s worth considering that the two plant types share a lot of characteristics. However, cannabis users should still follow their prescribed treatment regimen to avoid negative side effects.

Sativas are the most popular types of cannabis, and a dispensary should carry these strains in their inventory. Indicas, on the other hand, are associated with body effects, such as heavy limbs, tingly faces, and euphoria. These effects may be a better option for people who suffer from insomnia, because they can help them feel more relaxed and more awake.

CBD oil has sedative effects

Studies show that cannabis can have sedative effects on the brain and is useful for the treatment of sleep disorders. (4) Cannabis contains phytocannabinoids, which can bind to receptors that affect the sleep-wake cycle. In addition to sedative effects, marijuana has also been shown to lower levels of pain and anxiety, two factors that often prevent us from getting a good night’s sleep. Phytocannabinoids, such as CBD and THC, work with the endocannabinoid system to alleviate symptoms and promote restful sleep.

Doctors say it is better to start slow and low dosage and try the nighttime indica strain of cannabis. It may have a more sedative effect. (7)

If you suffer from insomnia and want an effective alternative sleep remedy, try medical cannabis although it should always be under the direction of your doctor. Research shows that cannabis is an effective sleep aid for many people. It helps people relax and de-stress, which is why it is so popular for insomnia patients. It may even improve your sleep quality. Those who suffer from insomnia find that cannabis helps them get to sleep and stay asleep. A growing number of people in Australia are turning to medical marijuana for insomnia.

There are a few major downsides to using medical cannabis for insomnia. Although it has sedative effects, it also has stimulant properties. (8) One study in rats showed that CBD and THC both induced deeper sleep and induced a more alert state. Nonetheless, it’s still necessary to conduct more studies to determine if cannabis truly has positive effects on sleep. For now, however, we can only look at the evidence and decide for ourselves.

CBD oil is not superior to currently available medications

CBD may help you sleep better, but it is not superior to currently available medications for insomnia. While it has been studied for its potential to treat anxiety, the results from its clinical use in sleep disorders are mixed. It may interact with other medications and supplements, but the benefits are clear. According to Dr. Hirshkowitz, a sleep researcher and expert, CBD may have no superiority over current medications for insomnia. (9)

A 2015 study of 103 participants found that CBD significantly decreased their anxiety scores, and that the majority reported a decrease in insomnia symptoms. Overall, the study found that CBD did improve sleep quality, but it did not improve sleep duration. Participants rated the severity of their insomnia symptoms on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the highest. However, in order for CBD to be most effective, the dosage must be at least 25 mg per night.

About Us

CannaTelehealth, specialises in providing online consultations for various healthcare needs, including assistance with alcohol addiction. Our platform is designed to facilitate the use of advanced telehealth technology by medical professionals, ensuring the security and privacy of patient information in compliance with regulations.

We have developed an online system that simplifies the process of booking appointments with qualified and experienced General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, who can assist patients in accessing prescriptions for Medicinal Cannabis for their medical conditions. Our telehealth system is fully supported by our clinical team, guaranteeing that all consultations are conducted by appropriately qualified healthcare professionals.

Our doctors are authorised to prescribe Medicinal Cannabis under Schedule 8 of the Therapeutic Goods Act. In the initial consultation, your nurse or doctor will collaborate with you to determine the suitability of Medicinal Cannabis for your specific symptoms and conditions. If deemed appropriate, they will then apply for TGA approval for your electronic prescription, which can be presented at your pharmacy of choice.

Medical Cannabis Doctors Online Treatment and Consults

CannaTelehealth’s doctors have extensive experience in assessing patients for medicinal cannabis. Prior to having an online consultation with our healthcare professionals it is a good idea to write down your questions before your consultation so that you don’t forget them.

Our doctors will review your medical history and confirm that you meet the criteria for a medicinal cannabis prescription under the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Special Access Scheme. We will then either prescribe medication through the Authorised Prescriber pathway or submit your application to the TGA and you should receive your product within 2 business days.

All our doctors are trained under the TGA authorised prescriber scheme and have detailed knowledge of how cannabis affects the body. Our doctors are also able to recommend the best dosage and type of cannabis for your condition. Our doctors are able to prescribe all forms of medicinal cannabis including capsules, tinctures, sprays and vape cartridges.

The cost of your medical cannabis will vary depending on your condition and the specific product that is recommended for you.

Our clinic offers bulk billing for patients who have been approved by the DVA. This is worth checking for your eligibility criteria for this discounted online consultation.

Book a consultation – Follow the simple steps to engaging with an online health professional who will assess your eligibility for alternative treatments such as medicinal cannabis and what might be the cause of your chronic pain.

To contact us at CannaTelehealth you can either go directly to the website and add your details directly to our ‘Contact Us Form’ We will contact you within 1 hour. Normally our online healthcare professionals who are pain medicine specialists will have a booking time within 1 day if suitable. Alternatively, you may contact us via info@cannatelehealth.com.au.


  1. Cannabis use in patients with insomnia and sleep disorders: Retrospective chart review Régis Vaillancourt, BPharm, PharmD, FCSHP, Shannon Gallagher, PharmD, RPh, Jameason D. Cameron, MSc, PhD, and Rahim Dhalla, PharmD, MBA, RPh https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9067069/
  2. Kuhathasan N, Dufort A, MacKillop J, Gottschalk R, Minuzzi L, Frey BN. The use of cannabinoids for sleep: a critical review on clinical trials. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 2019;27(4):383-401
  3. Zhornitsky S, Potvin S. Cannabidiol in humans—the quest for therapeutic targets. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2012 May 21;5(5):529–52. doi: 10.3390/ph5050529.
  4. The Problem with the Current High Potency THC Marijuana from the Perspective of an Addiction PsychiatristElizabeth Stuyt, MD Journal List Mo Med v.115(6); Nov-Dec 2018 PMC6312155 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6312155/
  5. The Use of Cannabinoids for Insomnia in Daily Life: Naturalistic StudyMonitoring Editor: Rita Kukafka Reviewed by Johannes Thrul and Carrie CuttlerNirushi Kuhathasan, HBsc,1,2 Luciano Minuzzi, MD, PhD,1,3 James MacKillop, PhD,2,3,4 and Benicio N Frey, MSc, MD, PhD
  6. Sedative and hypnotic effects of compound Anshen essential oil inhalation for insomnia Yu Zhong,1 Qin Zheng,1 Pengyi Hu,1 Xiaoying Huang,1 Ming Yang,1 Guilin Ren,2 Qing Du,1 Jun Luo,1 Kenan Zhang,1 Jing Li,1 Haixia Wu,1 Yuanyuan Guo,1 and Shanshan Liu1 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019; 19: 306. Published online 2019 Nov 11. doi: 10.1186/s12906-019-2732-0
  7. 10 Cannabis Strains to Try for Sleep Medically reviewed by Femi Aremu, PharmD — By Kate Robertson on March 29, 2021 https://www.healthline.com/health/best-strain-for-sleep
  8. Relationships between patterns of cannabis use, abuse and dependence and recent stimulant use: Evidence from two national surveys in Ireland Seán R. Millar, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, 1 , 2 ,* Deirdre Mongan, Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, 1 Claire O’Dwyer, Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, 1 Bobby P. Smyth, Writing – review & editing, 3 Ivan J. Perry, Writing – review & editing, 2 and Brian Galvin, Writing – review & editing 1 PLoS One. 2021; 16(8): e0255745. Published online 2021 Aug 9. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255745
  9. Cannabis use is associated with greater total sleep time in middle-aged and older adults with and without HIV: A preliminary report utilizing digital health technologies Laura M. Campbell,1,2 Bin Tang,2 C. Wei-Ming Watson,1,2 Michael Higgins,3 Mariana Cherner,2 Brook L. Henry,2 and Raeanne C. Moore2 Cannabis. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 Sep 3. Published in final edited form as: Cannabis. 2020 Jul 3; 3(2): 180–189. doi: 10.26828/cannabis.2020.02.005


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