
How CBD Oil Affects Serotonin Receptors and Its Effect on Children With Autism

CBD Oil and Its Effect on Children

What is Autism? Autism affects a person’s thinking, feelings, interactions with others and how they experience their environment. Autism is a disability that begins at birth and continues into old age. Each Autistic individual is unique. Autism is a spectrum. Aspect describes autism as a different brilliant(r) (1) It is difficult to define autism in […]

Is CBD Oil Safe While Pregnant?

cbd oil safe

Pregnant women report marijuana use predominantly to self-treat depression, anxiety, stress, pain, nausea, and vomiting; (1) it is most commonly used during the first trimester (2). Women with severe nausea and vomiting are more likely to use marijuana during their first trimester.CBD is a natural extract that is becoming popular for its potential to help […]

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